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I continue to read inspiring stories of the unparalleled impact Ray had on this great big world. I’d like to share a story of the huge impact he created, and the life he changed, for one small sweet horse.
This sweet gelding had likely been a kiddos riding horse his entire life and one day, the plate tectonics of life shifted below his feet, and he was left for a kill pen. Among all the broken-hearted souls at this pen, he kept getting overlooked as he was confirmed to have a moderate case of a progressive disease. At one point this sweet boy had a home offer that came in, but due to no fault of his own, that individual backed out on him at the very last second. But his spirit did not give up. He kept standing. He must have known he had a guardian angel here on Earth.
One afternoon, I came home to discover that Ray Shea and Julie Huettner Brooke had made a jaw-dropping generous donation to the Misfit Crew Sanctuary and it was like fate had intervened. Because of Ray, we were able to pull this boy from the kill lot. When he arrived at the quarantine facility, it was discovered that he may be more progressed than we had originally realized as his movement was very very impaired (1st video). I was notified that he may need to be euthanized. But this sweet boy asked us to wait, to give him time, and he just kept standing.
Because of Ray’s generous heart, we were able to experiment with some rehabilitation alternatives. We initiated pain management treatment and had the ferrier out twice. And last week the incredible owner of the quarantine facility, where he’d been receiving his care and rehab treatment, sent me this video. Not only is this boy still standing-He’s walking, he’s trotting, he’s running. (See 2nd video)
Welcome to The Misfits Ali “The Champ” Shea. Named so by the family of the man who saved him and gave him the chance to ‘fight like hell’ and win.

Champ (Homer was KP name), one of my amazing hospice care horses, was left for a kill pen after an injury and subsequent development of a very painful and progressive condition.
His level of pain was beginning to exceed the capabilities of his NSAID treatment and options to keep him comfortable were very limited. But I LOVE this boy so very much. So we took some radiographs of his leg and sent them to the orthopedic surgeons at CSU Veterinary Hospital for evaluation.
We were notified that he was an exceptional candidate for an orthopedic surgery, pastern arthrodesis, that would fuse the debilitating joint, and give him a good prognosis for significant pain reduction and a very comfortable future.
My sweet boy had the surgery and arrived back to CS recently to rehab and is doing so well! Love this sweet boy!

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